3 km from Chez Raz, you can take a walk in the woods and go to the top of Mount Artemisio

You can visit Sermoneta and its Castle, 33 km south from Chez Raz

When you visit Sermoneta and its Castle you want to make a little detour and visit also the Valvisciolo Abbey

Once in Sermoneta you don't want to miss the Gardens of Ninfa, check days and timetables, since it is usually open the first Sunday of the month and from

If you would like to go for a swim but don't feel like driving all the way to the beach the Lake Albano is a perfect alternative only 20 km from Chez Raz.

If you are reasonably fit you can walk to the top of the Mount Circeo at the end of the Sabaudia strip of sand. The climb is very steep and it takes 2 hours. You can go down through the woods in 1 /12 hour.

This is a unique museum in Italy. It is divided in to two sections: the life in the Pontine Plane and the allies' landing of Anzio.